Ginger stache and husband
Ginger stache and husband

ginger stache and husband

But Jesus said to them, 'because of your hardness of heart, your condition of insensibility to the call of God, he wrote you this precept in your law. "And some pharisees came up, and, in order to test him and try to find a weakness in him, asked him, 'is it lawful for a man to dismiss and repudiate and divorce his wife'? And he answered them, 'what did Moses command you'? They replied, 'Moses allowed a man to write a bill of divorce and to put her away'. Mark 10:2-12, that's ten verses, hopefully everybody can focus that long. So, I'm gonna start by just reading a couple of scriptures here. And we need to do everything we possibly can to make our marriages work and not just be so quick to give up. Now, he doesn't hate divorces, but he does hate divorce. He ended up going to prison for writing bad checks, but we have such a problem today with divorce. He ran around with other women and just a lot of other things. But my husband at that time, cheated on me all the time. And I did have scriptural grounds for divorce, although at that time in my life I wasn't really a walkin' with God, so I probably would have done it either way. And so, I really pray that if you are a person who's serious about your relationship with God, that you will listen to this all the way through. Well, first of all, I just want to say to our viewers that some of you probably aren't gonna like some of the things that I say, but instead of just getting mad and turning me off, everything I'm going to share is from the Word of God.

ginger stache and husband

Ginger Stache: And you've also walked through it. Because we're gonna talk about what God's word says. Ginger Stache: Well, the great thing about you talking about this is you understand it from both sides. Joyce Meyer: Yeah, when you told me that's what you wanted to talk about, I was like, "Oh." And we're just going to get honest and talk about divorce today. And I think it's a really important thing for us to talk about because it's such a big part of our society. Ginger Stache: Well, Joyce, this is a candid conversation that will impact many lives. Our hope is that this will help save marriages and bring healing to those dealing with the pain of divorce. And as we do this, we want you to know the good thing about this conversation is it comes with no judgment, no condemnation, only love and restoration from God, as we really explore what happens in people's lives when they're dealing with the aftermath of divorce or walking through a potential divorce.

ginger stache and husband

It's such an important discussion to have. It's an intimate discussion about divorce and we invite you to join us as we talk about this. Today, Joyce and I are having a candid conversation.

Ginger stache and husband